Grandpa Sevy was a huge part of our lives, especially our summers. My earliest childhood memories are mostly of our times in Osoyoos - with Grandpa throwing, catching or pulling me!
He is a part of me and made me who am I am. I think he stretched and pushed everyone who knew him to go a little deeper and challenge themselves. He had us kids jump off the garage roof into his arms from the time we were 3 or 4, he taught us all how to water ski (with help of Dad of course) and would bite our arms to the point of leaving his teeth marks in our flesh for at least a few minutes!
He pushed himself harder than he pushed anyone though. He memorized incredibly long poems and would recite them for anyone that would listen - which was most anyone because he was so animated and wonderful when performing! He exercised and competed in sports until the day before he passed! In fact, he won gold in the senior Olympic competitions down in Yuma every time he competed and just last summer he swam across the Osoyoos lake with us! And just a few months ago, he was picking Brooklyn (2.5 year old at about 27lbs) and throwing her up in the air and catching her! He was so good with kids! It was fun to be reminded of this as he spent time with Brooklyn and Hannah. They were fascinated by and gravitated to him. When Brooklyn was fussing one time, Grandpa pretended to cry in his dramatic kind of way and she stopped crying immediately because she was so confused!
He lived life to the fullest! The way he ate insane amounts of hot sauce on things - put Tabasco in his Ketchup bottles (that we would then put on our hot-dogs and burn our mouths off!) or eat onions like apples. His hugs were strong and large, his kisses on the cheek were bristly and long and the way he would say "I'm sure proud of you kid!" always made me feel like I was worth someone being proud of!

He had many loves in his life. First was always Grandma. Some of my favorite memories are of watching Grandpa and Grandma Dace and kiss. They were so sweet to each other whenever we were around. They were happy when we were around and we knew that. His love for his own Parents and brothers, his Kids and Grand kids - and now Great-Grand kids was always evident. He also had a passion for the Gospel, Freedom, America and Canada, Land, motor vehicles and politics(; He was always sure to share his testimony with us and encourage us to get into politics. I remember as early as 10, he was challenging my political views! I also remember him having his Jehovah Witness friends come over and have heated discussions with them about the Bible.
Oh! And he loved a good deal - like all-you-can-eat restaurants and cheap vehicles! At one point he had over 50 motor vehicles! He still has a fire-engine that he picked up for a good deal up on the ranch I think! Whenever I drove with him, he reminded me that you shouldn't have to use your brakes when you drive - you should just coast up to red-lights and stop signs until you come to a slow stop, then put on the gas (; His cars all had little secrets that you needed to know to start or operate them. He got the most out of everything - including his cars. Like Grandma said in the Obituary - he planned on living to 104 and in great shape until the end- I guess on the same philosophy.
He was a great example of healthy living, loving family, loving life and people and loving the Lord. Oh how the world will miss him. Oh how I miss him so much already!

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